Monday, May 31, 2010

What Wedding Color Goes Well With Persimmon??

bank Banco Santander forges the signature of a swap contract

are already many losers from the famous swap contracts, best known for "land contracts" of the mortgage against the fall in Euribor. The product claims to a misleading and unfair to the customer collect in the consumer associations, courts and regulators of banks. But the scandal has reached the absolute limits to the forgery of the signature of a client with a framework contract swap. The victim, who for legal reasons we can not reveal his name, is subject to a mortgage since 2006 with one of the most reputable banks in the country, which advised a financial product that contained a ground if you lower the Euribor, arguing that the increases were guaranteed and the profit on the assessments would be remarkable.

Following reference marker downs of most mortgage loans, the customer is informed that payable at year end for the differential amount agreed by the SWAP, which amounts to more than 3,000 euros, a fact that triggers a series of claims that are intended to cancel the contract, as the document agreed by the parties makes no mention of any contractual value and is designated as "information only" . The response of the entity, as expected, is negative, indicating that the amount of cancellation amounts to the amount of 6,000 euros.

The surprise comes when original documents are required contract and observed the following irregularities: the date is set one year before the purchase of housing and, worst of all, the customer's signature is forged in a rough and slipshod. The scandal is served.

But as is caught by a liar than a lame, it now appears that recoil, yes, provided that the recovery of amounts paid the previous two years, 1,800 euros. Come on, that if school school, and if not, then nothing happens and give me back money for having tried to deceive.

Trust and security are the foundations upon which it is argued the client / bank and in which is anchored around a financial system that every day presents us with more corrupt. It is the law of the funnel, wide to narrow them and for those who subsist on a payroll mileurista and make real juggling to keep the coffers full of those who have triggered the greatest financial crisis of the past 20 years.

Will there be major consequences? I fear that nobody will dare to submit these documents to the public.


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