Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun Things To Do With A Feeldoe

Political correctness crisis health concerns says

The increase in people seeking help for depression has increased dramatically the past two years, with a suicide rate more than 6% compared to 2008. The main causes are attributable unemployment, isolation and economic crisis, which lead people to seek help from the telephone of Hope, a free service that has been collapsed by citizens who do not get enough income to go to a psychologist.

Interestingly, while women are more prone to depression, nearly twice the man, the suicide rate among men is four times higher. It appears that the denial of the problem and burden of family responsibilities at a difficult time, as we are passing, you may be the main reason that leads many men to make this decision. In addition, the average male attending doctor to seek psychiatric or psychological help is much lower than that of women who have no problem accepting and assuming the need for help.

Fear, insecurity, despair and loneliness are the perfect allies of one of the most widespread diseases among developed countries. The economic crisis has fueled an evil that many people hide in shame and misunderstanding, causing many people to seclude themselves, without looking out of a situation that is out of hand.

Media and Public Health should work together to inform and help a society increasingly more likely to not face the problems that you come over. Delete the data under the rug and hide suicide rates is not going to make them disappear, only feeds the loneliness they feel so connected. It is the duty of all pitch in by those who need it most, and that they may be on the floor below. Sometimes Haiti is closer than we think.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Funny Birthday Wishes For An 18yr Old

Movistar high line does not new to the Iphone

According commercial
Monica Gomez, from the customer service 609, the company has stopped giving new lines high for Iphone. After asking how can they market a service on its website that it can not materialize, and evasive answers hangs up. This is the behavior of the pioneer in mobile telephony in the country.

dispensing Abusive treatment is outrageous, but as the law is a loophole and giving, you must take to receive from time to time, I inform you how to get a 3G iPhone for 16 Gb, after having it checked over 10 different users.

Just ask for number portability to any other company and wait to call you no later than 48 hours, after which they deign to escuhar your claims, ofrececiéndote the cake and eat it to avoid consumed transfer.

I have witnessed this procedure in more than 10 times, getting in all cases the requested phone without any cost. However, the most striking is that the company's own employees know this method to a star and commercial distribution Movistar store in Madrid, which for obvious reasons I can not reveal, claimed that "every year he would ask the portability another company to give back the phone I wanted. "

Incredibly so, only threats ensures that you hear is that the fittest is not always true, does it?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Raimuiro Senkitan Pic

A group that spread like wildfire on Facebook

An unprecedented event has occurred with the spread of social networks in our country. On December 18, 2009 created a new Facebook group entitled "TO GET 4 BILLION PEOPLE ASKING THE RESIGNATION OF SHOE", reaching 150,000 members in just five weeks since its creation.

Because the opposition is not doing its job and the media have biased their information widely disparate interests to the common good, a group not to obecece any political party, organization or business wanted to be heard by using more open window to freedom of expression. Thus, social networks have become an effective thermometer public groping.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Causes For Enlarged Uterus Besides Growths

The IMF announces a consummate failure and power

The International Monetary Fund says that 2010 will be a recession year for our country, while for the rest of the world economies predicts growth of 3.9%. These data fall on deaf ears for our government, which prefers to close his eyes and pessimistic accuse anyone who does not applaud their nonexistent measures without addressing the problem of face. It is easier to wait, let the time to tame the storm and we can live the crumbs that are left over to neighboring countries who want to celebrate their recovery on our shores.

matter little
the 4 million unemployed. Well, yes, become upset when news on the relevant month. At that time you put the outcry (incredibly, less and less) and calls for solidarity from employers and banks. Then turn the page, and until next month, the better we deal with the law of snuff, nationalism or the salaries of air traffic controllers. Anything is allowed to divert attention and to fill the gatherings of false debates.

While all accounts we continue to make ends meet, waiting for the day 10 to collect unemployment and praying before the grant runs out find some work to help us pay the mortgage. We should be very entertaining to survive and have no time to go out and demand accountability, action and solutions. Or maybe is that we expect a miracle, a EuroMillions save us from chaos and we reaffirm our willingness, because of that we have to spare, do not miss the optimism that there will be time that we actually set foot in the ground.

But do not worry, our Mr. President has already said that if everything goes and in 2012 re-submitted, because it understands that you need to keep looking away while we look for the euro lost in our purse.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Marathon Bar's In Colorado

seems impossible to say the outcry when the news we see in Chavez closed a TV channel or not to deliver his speech seems crazy to us what is happening in China and close our eyes to our own misery. It is true that this is done with a pretense, but not much, and you just have to read over a newspaper and analyze information from different channels to realize the objective information in which we operate.

The economic, political and personal bias to our rights through threads that are intended to be invisible, but we all know. Paradoxically abide without question, I assume as ballast attached to our backs with resigned, surrendered to a reality that we consider irrevocable, Why?

We are a generation delivered to the circumstances, eternal adolescents who receive what we have without question, doomed to failure because the lack of ideals, dreams and responsibilities. We live playing house, waiting for the weekend to evade the future uncertain ahead and Pregnancy Program, travel and mortgages. We have forgotten who we are, giving away the future of our country's political leaders have no option, readiness, scruples, and longed for power and money.

Not only can we resign ourselves to it, it is our responsibility to make visible the threads of power that effortlessly handle. Not enough to complain at home and mourn because we are not allowed to decide what we want. The speech defeatist "nothing will change" is our main drag, because if someone can change things, if anyone can improve the chaos that we face if all goes well, you, me, the eternal XXI century teenagers. If we expect our homes to be channeled all alone we are ready, only we can cut those strings. I wonder when we will start ...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bloons Iphone Walkthrough 3

Slow Death of the Book of Scripture Art