seems impossible to say the outcry when the news we see in Chavez closed a TV channel or not to deliver his speech seems crazy to us what is happening in China and close our eyes to our own misery. It is true that this is done with a pretense, but not much, and you just have to read over a newspaper and analyze information from different channels to realize the objective information in which we operate.
The economic, political and personal bias to our rights through threads that are intended to be invisible, but we all know. Paradoxically abide without question, I assume as ballast attached to our backs with resigned, surrendered to a reality that we consider irrevocable, Why?
We are a generation delivered to the circumstances, eternal adolescents who receive what we have without question, doomed to failure because the lack of ideals, dreams and responsibilities. We live playing house, waiting for the weekend to evade the future uncertain ahead and Pregnancy Program, travel and mortgages. We have forgotten who we are, giving away the future of our country's political leaders have no option, readiness, scruples, and longed for power and money.
Not only can we resign ourselves to it, it is our responsibility to make visible the threads of power that effortlessly handle. Not enough to complain at home and mourn because we are not allowed to decide what we want. The speech defeatist "nothing will change" is our main drag, because if someone can change things, if anyone can improve the chaos that we face if all goes well, you, me, the eternal XXI century teenagers. If we expect our homes to be channeled all alone we are ready, only we can cut those strings. I wonder when we will start ...
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