Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Causes For Enlarged Uterus Besides Growths

The IMF announces a consummate failure and power

The International Monetary Fund says that 2010 will be a recession year for our country, while for the rest of the world economies predicts growth of 3.9%. These data fall on deaf ears for our government, which prefers to close his eyes and pessimistic accuse anyone who does not applaud their nonexistent measures without addressing the problem of face. It is easier to wait, let the time to tame the storm and we can live the crumbs that are left over to neighboring countries who want to celebrate their recovery on our shores.

matter little
the 4 million unemployed. Well, yes, become upset when news on the relevant month. At that time you put the outcry (incredibly, less and less) and calls for solidarity from employers and banks. Then turn the page, and until next month, the better we deal with the law of snuff, nationalism or the salaries of air traffic controllers. Anything is allowed to divert attention and to fill the gatherings of false debates.

While all accounts we continue to make ends meet, waiting for the day 10 to collect unemployment and praying before the grant runs out find some work to help us pay the mortgage. We should be very entertaining to survive and have no time to go out and demand accountability, action and solutions. Or maybe is that we expect a miracle, a EuroMillions save us from chaos and we reaffirm our willingness, because of that we have to spare, do not miss the optimism that there will be time that we actually set foot in the ground.

But do not worry, our Mr. President has already said that if everything goes and in 2012 re-submitted, because it understands that you need to keep looking away while we look for the euro lost in our purse.


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