Monday, February 1, 2010

What Are Effects Of Using Expired Prptiens

Each day we sink further into the empty speech of ideas and proposals, full of platitudes, cliches resources and verbiage that tries to say a lot and does nothing. In a world increasingly free, or so we believe, fear takes hold of our politicians, who fear freely voice their ideas if they lose a few votes induced by political correctness.

do not speak clearly of the nonsense that is the Parity Act, the chaos of the Autonomy Act, the taboo of the monarchy or the power of nationalism. Yes, but speaks in euphemisms, fine words to use so much lost its meaning. Solidarity, equality, the Constitution, consensus ...

is a paradox that is not afraid to get their hands on budgets and use their influence for their own purposes, and instead, do not dare to call things by their name and say aloud what they think to issues vital to the country. About terrifies them mess with the King, though in his own ideology seem a obsolete system goes against the very word democracy. Others shun the issue of nationalism because they depend on them to sit on the couch. Almost all dodged a judicial reform that guarantees equal rights with the establishment of an autonomous body to oversee the good practice of power "independent" appointed by the relevant government. That does not interest anyone, have a friend Judge worth a lot.

Political correctness has taken over political discourse, relegating to a secondary that nobody cares to hear because everyone knows what to say. If someone dares to break with this, is separated bluntly, because I wonder where is Rosa Diez? Certainly knocking on the doors of the media to let her talk. Overall, she did not have anything to lose ...


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