By Dr. Claudio Ramón GARCIA . Hernán A.
Wallace, noted the coincidence of modern legislation, stipulating that the firm subscribes to a written undertaking is almost full compliance with the provisions of the document and its contents is thus subject to it.
And being that the juridical, economic or commercial are based on the existence of written instruments as a basis for sound social stability it is clear that society is interested in avoiding anything that might mean an alteration of its authenticity.
Unfortunately, in the words of Gayet, "fraud in the writing is as old as writing itself."
As the author can not always guard against future abnormalities, the study calligraphy may establish later, if committed irregularities or alter the content or signature of the original document.
expert examination of the scriptural falsification is, in the opinion of Locard, the most difficult of all and can only be made by those possessing an efficient manage to collect authentic preparation conditions to be considered as specialists experienced. Naturally, this authoritative opinion
not be shared by many layman, without the slightest knowledge about it, they often rush to express the most outrageous ideas on problems of this nature.
In our city, the relevant studies conducted in the School of Commerce "Libertador General San Martin", attached to the Faculty of Economics, trade and policies of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, which granted the title of Public Calligrapher Nacional, who express competence to intervene in all matters, individuals or legal (civil or criminal), which discuss the authenticity or falsity document the determination of the anonymous executioner, like any other problem related to their expertise.
Usually when the expert is required for a particular action, the work is more restricted, since it usually reduces, to establish whether there are certain aspects which constituted a subsequent act of the victim: police report, lawsuit, etc..
In the case of having to take legal action, the expert must have title, be registered, have paid bail, appear in lists of office to participate in sweepstakes and at the time of his appointment shall proceed with the acceptance of the position with the formalities relevant. Base
to draw up the expert study, is to have the original piece, in which there exists or is supposed to solve the problem.
expert witness should never be issued on or copy and photographs should be required to do so, for very special circumstances, must make an appropriately specifying the scope of its opinion and reserves that may be appropriate.
Facing a dubious scriptural element, the expert should be provided for as many authentic writings or signatures as the contemporary case of the doubtful and if possible, also writings before and after the time assigned to the dubious.
A doubt about the authenticity of a writing or signature, the expert should be thrown away without further processing.
Normally, the same parties to provide the necessary elements for comparison, or the judge determines the parts of comparison in the nature of authenticity. Often used for this purpose in the study of signatures, listed in court records, public documents, official documents and those in which both parties expressed their full compliance.
also often be referred to the dictation of a scriptural body with judicial authorization, to provide themselves with graphical elements essential to the investigation, but in some cases this can not be achieved by the study of a will or because he should write this fugitive, etc.
Dictation can provide some technical difficulties if you do not have enough skill or not prepared in advance the text, which must be thoroughly studied by the expert.
various objections are typically formulated in this respect: they may hide the writing or the nervousness of the performer you from writing naturally, and so on.
Theoretically, all this can happen, but as "writing is an act resulting volitions of both reflexes and conditioned by constant recent anatomical, physiological and psychological due to inheritance and education, virtually every write involves a series of idioms which are not without the writer knows when you try to commit a falsehood. In such a way that distorted writing, it is found involuntary and inevitable persistence of a large number of constants that allow the identification of who wrote, according to studies and experiences of Locard.
The handwriting expert in writing and E. Solange Pellat, states in his book "Les I'escriture those of" a certain number of laws to respond in writing and states that one "can not voluntarily change at any given moment the natural scriptural rather than leaving in its path signal of the effort to achieve change, "constituting this law, Gayet, the very basis of expert opinions calligraphy. Even the often profane
often point to the author of a script. A person receives a letter and a quick look on easily recognized point of a relative or friend. The teacher correcting homework of their students, establishing which of them is for a job that is not the author's name. In an office employee who quickly distinguished writing some documents and located immediately to the poster. All this is nothing unusual and was mainly the knowledge acquired by constant observation. If you ask these observers determining the real reasons for its conclusion, we hardly give a satisfactory answer. Test for this is that the layman is given to consider a text or imitative of the original signature, did not know to distinguish the authentic from the apocryphal. Logically so, since the time of any prior or reasoned methodological study has been the original source of this empirical result.
The forensic expert, however, before giving an opinion, should proceed in the review of questionable items and authentic to analysis, whose limitations are virtually impossible to establish, and calligraphic expert study may be simple or complex as all depend on the type of writing or signature that is under consideration.
The determination may be made in some cases with sufficient speed and accuracy, but in others, must be exhausted before considering the analysis results strongly.
Without wishing to state in these few lines all study elements that constitute the handwriting expert's work, we noted the most common in terms of cursive writing.
This type of writing, which is most common in our area, has two main features for the construction of letters, lowercase the "straight line" and "the curved line (circle or ovals)." The character also contain numbers with some modifications. However
based teaching of writing more or less uniform procedures, It is gradually adapting to the highly personal gesture of the writer, which is ultimately to be completed with all its idioms particular, what is known as "calligraphic character."
Although constituent graphical elements are so simple, it is remarkable the huge amount of changes that occur and that, in the opinion of J. Jamin Crépieux "surpasses everything we can imagine" the calculations performed by this author are really really fantastic.
believe it would be an unnecessary task trying to investigate the exact number of graphical variables that can be found in different types of writing that presents each individual. Just know that they are practically endless, which makes it impossible to find two identical scripts.
But if they had a lot of resemblance or similarities, and as it progresses you will find expert analysis of the profound differences, imperceptible to the casual observer, but for the expert familiar with this task and just allow this to determine the origin spurious of a signature or a letter.
course is not within the limitations of this brief commentary highlighting the importance of the handwriting expert's work. Our purpose is simply to know roughly where the study is relevant and which items are worth the researcher perform the work, criminal proceedings against ever more perfect and the lush imagination and ingenuity of criminals who use today, whose lack of moral standards and willing to get in any way that does not belong, do not hesitate use all the means afforded the art or science, to succeed in their evil purposes.
In the era we live, the forensic expert should be updated constantly and thoroughly as necessary to meet the forger. Otherwise, it is fighting with a disadvantage and allow these unscrupulous success in their manipulations.
aims to determine the exact area of \u200b\u200bexpertise calligraphy is a bit difficult, so in general, the authors only mention the most common cases of involvement relate these to the analysis of paper, ink, handwriting or typescript, anonymous, etc.. After the Second World War have been able to meet a huge variety of issues that were made by the intelligence services and counter intelligence or departments, which would fill books and more books on the subject, but also illustrate on those procedures is better than the unknown.
In some cases, the expert need only rule on the authenticity or falseness of a writing or signature or an amendment or addition, in some cases subject to its opinion whether the wording of a text typing, which is exhibited carbon copy, or not to the original text, etc.
But in other cases, the problem involves the simultaneous study of paper, ink and writing.
The study of handwriting requires a careful analysis of both deeper run this as rather doubtful text. Proceeding with the method
forensic expert will gradually deeper into the knowledge of the particulars that writing offers authentic and seek their existence in the letter doubtfully. In short end of that job done thoroughly, cleared the initial mystery. And that methodological procedures have been understood, in general, the following studies:
Baseline Review of Scripture
course is not the same lined paper to write on plain paper, but nevertheless, interesting details can be seen in both cases. There are those who write constantly keeping the line of the line, while others occur throughout the basis of writing several movements, horizontal rectilinear trend, concave, convex, sinuous, irregular, etc.. Tilt
Scripture is the angle formed by the long lines of tiny in relation to the line of the line. Can be constant or variable. Some people write with a fall to the left, another vertically and a large majority to fall into right. This detail is not in itself indicative of authenticity, you do not meet other scriptural elements, since a replica is clear that the forger then plays it. Figure Base-
is the consistently adopted in whole or in part, to the choice of upper or lower case as appropriate. The construction of this graphic element is of paramount importance and analytical examination should be done very carefully. Proportionality-
a written observation will establish the size of the case, the letters and the tiny eye of lesser height.
In the teaching of calligraphy is imposes certain standards but carefully in longhand it disappears, usually, and each takes its own way that is just what we should consider the expert. Undoubtedly, this element varies with the speed of writing. Full
and Profiles-
is the effort made with pen on paper to make her open to check the transaction. Alternately occurs leading to the formation of thick and thin strokes or profiles.
When the writer uses pen or pencil is revealed this detail of the groove depth, examining it under a microscope, and again a simple observation of the back of the printed page.
Correct analysis of this element can provide important data on research where their execution is constant, but should not confuse this element with the constant pressure to perform when writing hands of amateurs. Placement
Pen on Paper-
If this element is linked to pressure can be easily discovered by the location of the thicknesses and profiles. Linked-
Also referred to as "link" and is joining with others within a few letters of a word.
is one of the most important characters in the expert analysis, representing a fundamental element in the study of signatures, taking into account the speed with which this is executed. Detached-
Some writing no connect all the letters of a word, even though at first glance seem to be. How often, a forgery for having confused this simple detail has been quickly discovered. Hand-Lift
A careful examination the expert will determine the number of strokes that make up the execution of a letter and repeated whenever, will be an important detail for research. This element is closely related to the starting line or point of attack. Spelling-
In some particular cases can be of great value in comparison, but the expert must take great care to assign too much importance, as it may have been caused by distraction concern, etc.
In the anonymous, for example, often have little interest, as mistakes is an integral part of a deliberate maneuver. Commencement and Completion
Letters and Words-
At the beginning of a letter or a word, it is called boot line and can be a rising profile, formed with the feature of the letter that it continues, sometimes at an angle, sometimes a tie, usually begins in a hook or knitting, etc..
there may not appear any trace of an attack or start, but there will always be a point of attack, with a variety of ways.
right-handed or sinistrógiros movements that occur, it is significant importance in this analysis, it can be done to discover the personality handwriting and therefore to establish authenticity.
Spacing Letters and Words-
depends greatly on the space available to write and how fast you type, but it is certain that the writer usually as tight or as lying, retain those characteristics at all times, while reducing the size of the letters and words. A thorough examination will determine whether the spacing is uniform, progressive or regressive. Rhythm-
this item is completing a book-movement, to see how it would be if continue its path.
A thorough analysis of this detail, usually in the tiny and some ornaments, may substantially change the concept formed by the examination of a small stroke.
For imitations of letters or features usually make many mistakes. Distance
Letters, enter words and between lines,
This aspect of research is intimately connected to what is said in the item 7), 8) and 12). Size
Scripture is an element often related to the space available for writing, the instrument used and the position of the writer. Nevertheless, it must be analyzed properly as there are people who used to write in large letters, are easily discovered when making reductions abnormalities in perpetrators, not being accustomed to decrease the size. Box-Line
A careful study of this element, whether it refers to words, line or entire text, allow individuals to establish trends, constant, increasing, decreasing, wavy or irregular.
detail is a close link with the items 1).
Gayet, should see the text at 50 or 60 inches from the eyes to fully appreciate the overall appearance of the text, regardless of other individuals. Score-
His careful examination will give or not the importance of this magazine. Often by their very insignificance is the detail more easily forget the forger, as may happen to enter, inadvertently, one that is very personal and lacking, therefore the undoubted writings, as you said Sanchez and Terrones.
The true shape of each punctuation mark, as its location and execution, may reveal clearly a calligraphic character.
In many cases, this detail is linked to the bound or unbound. There are people that break the word they are writing, to locate the point, the accent or accents, others however, write more connected, wait for it to finish the floor to just print the whole score. Send
is possibly one of the most interesting elements of study. How
How big?
What is present?
Are they linked or unlinked to the letters before or after?
Are they decorating?
The expert has lyrics such an extraordinary field for research. Parallelism-
more remarkable is the detail the more long the lines of certain letters and are farthest from the text. This detail should not be assessed by itself, but in relation to other details, book, since it plays tracing neatly. Analyze
spaces usually leaves the writer, both on the left in general and after a full stop, like those offered to the right, may allow the expert to obtain a significant element in the study.
Some people leave much room, others prefer to pull the letters and complete a word without a space to the right, etc..
A careful examination demonstrated that may be of particular importance. Ornaments-
In some scripts there are some details that the author adds personal element that distinguishes them clearly. Usually occur at the end of the lyrics, should be analyzed element linked to the item 13). Spontaneity-
introduce this detail in writing or a signature, when they fulfill them the various elements identify it as authentic, there are no signs of having been executed in violent position, not a bad instrument scriptural, or affected by emotion, or illness. That is, there has been no hesitation throughout its development. Strange Characters
Graphics is not very common but in some cases when it comes to people used to write in different languages, there is introduced into a kind of writing, oddly shaped for other graphic characters (Gothic, Hebrew, etc. .). False Evidence-
When a writing is done spontaneously, its comparison with other records made under the same conditions, it offers difficulties.
graphic identity is such that there is plenty find all the details Scriptural determine without doubt its authenticity.
But the task is not easy when we are faced with the careful work of a forger perpicaz, thoroughly knowledgeable not only of the research technique, but all the details of the writing or signature or reproduction and the person who thinks becoming a victim.
With such advantages in its favor, the liar deliberately introducing significant details, which as a seasoned expert can not fool with these false evidence.
Given this possibility, the expert should always exercise extreme collation and when presented with situations of such similarity, however find any recognizable detail, agree that those items "so similar" to obtain photographic enlargements of both the hesitant as authentic, and made a comparative table. If the expert
proceed with caution, hardly make the mistake of giving by authentic text or signature similar.
and harmonic depth analysis of all the details that have been expressed above, other than those added deemed appropriate in individual cases, giving to all that is reasonably related assessment, must allow the expert, no doubt, be drawn specifically about the authenticity scriptural or falsity of the body subjected to its opinion. It should add
photographic enlargements of all those details most relevant to substantiate the conclusions, to illustrate to stakeholders, unquestionably demonstrate in these reasons.
This is, in general terms, the work of the forensic expert, as regards the study of texts and handwritten signatures. But it must be assumed that such work may be done in haste and that is enough with a brief observation of the various elements of the comparison chart so that you can give your opinion.
thus judged, the expert would be very simple task, but the reality test constant otherwise. Each case before his trial is always completely different from all others, despite their apparent similarity.
by Dr. Claudio Ramón GARCIA .-